Wednesday 4 January 2012


I try so hard,
But I still fail,
Every mistake made,
Is a coffin nail.

It makes me want to cry,
When I make you hurt,
In your perfect world,
I seem like nothing but dirt.

I never intend,
To hurt you still,
It all just happens,
Against my will.

I want to make,
Your suffering end,
All your pains,
I want to tend.

But it seems it simply,
Hurts you to be with me,
While considering that,
I should set you free.

I am greedy much,
To even consider that,
For one always wants,
What he cannot seem to have.

Still, making you pain,
Kills me slow,
And I'd rather take,
A single blow.

Purge you off,
Your misery forever,
And make sure that I,
Can hurt you never.

I never want to,
Let you go.
But with me around,
You lose your glow.

The glow that enticed me,
At the very start,
That, and the warmth,
Of you blessed heart.

That which threatens,
To quench you glow,
Should die a death,
Painful and slow.

and take me to a,
Further land,
Where I shall,
Forever stand.

And mourn over,
That which I lost,
For my darkness,
I shall pay a heavy cost.